Military Operational Art and Science Studies Major

Description: A program that focuses on the study of military operational issues and the preparation of field officers for warfighting, leadership, and related capabilities in land and joint operations. Includes instruction in leadership studies, military culture, national security policy, joint campaign planning, strategic estimation, strategic logistics, tactical and strategic doctrine, force capabilities, command and control, intelligence, movement, firepower, attack and defense, multinational issues, space operations, and applications to specific regional and operational issues. Is Military Operational Art and Science Studies the right major for you?
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Military Operational Art and Science Studies Major

What Courses Do Military Operational Art and Science Studies Majors Take?

The required and elective courses you would take for Military Operational Art and Science Studies majors vary considerably among institutions. Courses are listed here that are illustrative of the breadth of topics you are likely to experience were you to major in this field.